Healthy, plant-based food we’d serve to our family and friends.

We believe every person is entitled to a good meal.

Our recipes are built to be healthy and nutritious without compromising on flavor. We refuse to sacrifice quality when serving those we love. We believe that members of the houseless community are worthy of a good meal so we work to ensure that each meal we serve is made with the care that we would show our own families.

Everything we do is intentionally designed to communicate love to the houseless communities we serve and to the planet we all care for. Our produce is sourced in a way that reduces waste. Our meals are served in compostable containers and are delivered with a smile.

At each volunteer event Nicole gathers everyone together to walk through the lifecycle of the food: From the earth that produced the vegetables, to the farmers who cultivated the crop, to the harvester and to the markets by which the food traveled. Finally, the food arrives in the kitchen, is prepared into a meal and delivered by hand, with a conversation and a smile to express care for each member of our community.